The Last Days of Pompeii (1984)
Set of storyboards

A set of bound storyboards from the 1984 mini-series The Last Days of Pompeii. The three-part series portrays the ill-fated Italian city as a high society coastal resort catering to the rich leading up to the eruption that wiped out Pompeii. There are five A4 sets in total and each have a green or yellow card cover with the series title and which scenes are enclosed, and are marked as originally belonging to John Roberts, an art director on the series. Each page inside has four printed storyboards with a brief description beneath and occasional name tags to avoid confusion between all the characters. [PSoL]


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  2. Удивительный пост! Жаль, что невозможно увидеть все альбомы полностью.

  3. Amazing post! So sorry that it's impossible to look through all albums totally!


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